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J&M Diamond Tool, Inc.


 PCD & CBN Inserts

J&M Diamond triangle shaped inserts J&M Diamond square shaped inserts J&M Diamond diamond shaped insertsJ&M Diamond diamond shaped inserts
Triangle Shaped Inserts Square Shaped Inserts Diamond Shaped Inserts

CBN Inserts

Insert Designation Symbols for Selecting Inserts
Machining inserts of PCD (Polycrystalline Diamond) & CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride).
Triangle Shaped Inserts
TNG negative
Insert Dimensions PCD CBN   Qty  
I.C. T R
TNG-221 .250 .125 .016
PCD CBN $57.00
TNG-222 .250 .125 .031
PCD CBN $57.00
TNG-321 .375 .125 .016
PCD CBN $57.00
TNG-322 .375 .125 .031
PCD CBN $57.00
TNG-323 .375 .125 .047
PCD CBN $57.00
TNG-324 .375 .125 .063
PCD CBN $60.25
TNG-432 .500 .188 .031
PCD CBN $59.50
TNG-433 .500 .188 .047
PCD CBN $59.50
TNG-434 .500 .188 .063
PCD CBN $60.25
TPG positive  
Insert Dimensions PCD CBN   Qty  
I.C. T R
TPG-221 .250 .125 .016
PCD CBN $57.00
TPG-222 .250 .125 .031
PCD CBN $57.00
TPG-223 .250 .125 .047
PCD CBN $57.00
TPG-224 .250 .125 .063
PCD CBN $58.25
TPG-321 .375 .125 .016
PCD CBN $57.00
TPG-322 .375 .125 .031
PCD CBN $57.00
TPG-323 .375 .125 .047
PCD CBN $57.00
TPG-324 .375 .125 .063
PCD CBN $58.25
TPG-431 .500 .188 .016
PCD CBN $61.00
TPG-432 .500 .188 .031
PCD CBN $61.00
TPG-433 .500 .188 .047
PCD CBN $61.00
TPG-434 .500 .188 .063
PCD CBN $61.75
TEG hi-positive  
Insert Dimensions PCD CBN   Qty  
I.C. T R
TEG-2.521 .313 .125 .016
PCD CBN $59.50
TEG-2.522 .313 .125 .031
PCD CBN $59.50
TEG-321 .375 .125 .016
PCD CBN $59.50
TEG-322 .375 .125 .031
PCD CBN $59.50
TEG-422 .500 .125 .031
PCD CBN $62.50
TEG-423 .500 .125 .047
PCD CBN $62.50
TP positive  
Insert Dimensions PCD CBN   Qty  
I.C. T R
TP-40 .250 .094 *
PCD CBN $58.25
TP-41 .250 .094 .016
PCD CBN $58.25
TP-42 .250 .094 .031
PCD CBN $58.25
TP-61 .375 .125 .016
PCD CBN $66.00
TP-62 .375 .125 .031
PCD CBN $66.00

Some CBN Inserts  are available in Mini Tips & Double Mini Tips

J&M Diamond Tool, Inc. 
How to order from the Online Store

Toll Free ( 800 ) 777-6813 - - Fax ( 401 ) 431-2222

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Copyright © 2000-2006 by  J & M Diamond Tool, Inc.All Rights Reserved
             Updated 22 June 2006